Jenkins Use Cases

Hello my tech geeks , here I come up with new article about explaining jenkins and it’s Use cases. Jenkins is most powerful tool in DevOps world.It is considered as most popular DevOps Automation tools for many software development teams. In different stages of delivery pipeline jenkins CI/CD server helps in automation.Currently , it offers more than 1,000 plugins , so can be integrated with all DevOps tools . I enables developers around the world to reliably build , test , and deploy their software.
Features of jenkins :
Easy Installation
Jenkins is a platform-agnostic , self-contained Java-based program. It can be run on Windows, Mac OS and Unix-like operating systems with ready to run packages with it.
Easy Configuration
Jenkins is very easy to configure and use tool . We just have to install jdk and jenkins software . After configuring it we run it using web console.
Available plugins
There are lots of up-to-date plugins available with update center , integrating with every tool in the CI and CD toolchain.
Free Open Source
Jenkins is an open-source resource backed by heavy community support.

Jenkins Use Cases:
Unlike compiled languages, Python doesn’t need a “build” per se. Python projects can still benefit greatly from using Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery.
In the Python ecosystem there are tools which can be integrated into Jenkins for testing/reporting such as:
- nose2 and pytest for executing unit tests and generating JUnit-compatible XML test reports and Cobertura-compatible code coverage reports.
- pylint for generating code quality reports which can be integrated directly into Jenkins for trending and reporting purposes.
Jenkins is open source tool and it is located also on GitHub. It has number of available plugins for integrating with GitHub .With integration of GitHub with Jenkins using Github plugins . Plugins helps with pull of source code from any GIt repository easily. That code can be accessed with jenkins node.
Jenkin can set triggers so we will get notified whenever code is uploaded on GitHub and process further functions.
Along with this jenkins can be integrated with lots of technologies , languages like docker , ruby , c/c++. Plugins make it easy and they have documents for it to.
Thanks you.